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FIRST Robotics Competition - EPIC Robotz

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What is FIRST Robotics Competition at Valley Christian High School?

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is a high school level program that was created to inspire students to pursue the areas of engineering and technology through hands-on experiences. In 2012, Mr. Paul DeVries started our school’s FRC team as a joint team with two other schools, and in 2014 we created our own team: 4415 EPIC Robotz.

While honoring our Creator, EPIC Robotz pursues excellence in the creation of complex yet elegant robotic solutions. Using advanced curriculum and deliberate hands-on project-based learning initiatives, we equip students with marketable skills that enable them to succeed in various STEM related careers. We also strive to provide a place where young people can grow and learn new skills and abilities that they never thought they had. Our “hands-on” learning environment gives students an experience that a classroom setting could not. Our mentors share their knowledge about mechanics, engineering, and business with our team, and as a result, we have developed a legacy at VCHS as the “Varsity Sport of the Mind.”

What is EPIC?


Our mission statement is “Created by God to Pursue Excellence!” which may be straightforward, but our definition of excellence does not mean “win at any cost”. We use real-world experiences to inspire self-confidence, communication, and leadership in our team. We know that we’re all Engineering Projects In Christ (EPIC). Because of Him, we persevere even when the odds are against us. We are EPIC Robotz!

How can I learn more?

Our team website has all the details about our robots, upcoming events, and how to get in contact with us. Visit it at Click on the links below to find us on social media and keep up with our EPIC journey.


Youtube: EPIC Robotz 4415