Valley Christian Weekly News
February 3, 2025: Issue 22
2024-25 Theme Verse: "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17b-19
- A front row of seats for VCHS graduation
- A week stay in a condo on the island of Hawaii
Raffle: As a part of the VCS Annual Fundraiser and Auction, we have 2 items up for raffle. You DO NOT have to be present to win. The items that we are raffling off are: 1. 10th generation iPad with case and keyboard, 2. a $1,000 tuition discount. Raffle tickets are $5 and may be purchased here:
We are reopening the financial aid application process for the 2025-26 school year. Please note that we are now using FACTS, our new financial aid management company, instead of FAST, which we used previously. To apply, visit our school website at
Important Details about financial aid for Returning Families: Applications will be reviewed and notifications will be sent by March. Awards will be base on available funds at that time. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office at variabletuition@vcschools.
Broadway Showcase Parents: We appreciate your support! We have several open slots to provide food to The Cast and Student Directors who are helping students prepare for the show. You can access the link in the Canvas page or here: Hospitality Meals
Broadway Showcase Parents: Thanks to the many who have already signed up to volunteer for rehearsals and shows. You can volunteer through the Canvas page or here: Volunteer Opportunities
Broadway Showcase: All Broadway Showcase cast members should now be enrolled in the "Broadway Showcase 2025" Canvas course. Refer to Canvas to stay up to date on the latest information about rehearsals, costumes, volunteer opportunities, show dates and more. If you or your students are not enrolled or able to view the Broadway Showcase Canvas page, please contact Mr. Davis at
Attention Valley Parents! Do you have a child with ADHD or ADHD traits? You're not alone! Our school counselors are creating a local resource directory for families in need. Have you found supportive psychiatrists, psychologists, or counselors in the area? How about executive functioning groups or social skill trainings that have helped your child? Share your recommendations with us so we can connect families with trusted resources. Your input can make a real difference for others going through similar challenges. Thank you! Email HS - Mrs. Ormsbee (, MS - Mrs. Aguilera ( or ES - Mrs. Stahl (
- Dean of Students for High School
- Preschool Substitute Teacher
- Elementary Counselor
- Substitute Teacher
- To see the full job descriptions and apply, please visit https://www.vcschools.
org/employment - If interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Tracie Jones,
Pajama Day: On Tuesday, 2/4 children are invited to wear their favorite Pj's to school! (No slippers please)
TK and Kinder Field Trip to Valley Christian Elementary School: On Thursday, 2/6 Ms. Ericka, Mrs. Jamie, and Mrs. Tricia's (eligible to attend TK) children will take a field trip to the elementary campus. This is a fun opportunity to see the campus, meet the teachers, and play with some new and old friends. If this is not your child's normal day of attendance, please plan for them to attend from 9:00-11:30 AM. Permission slips were in their file folder last week and need to be turned in no later than Wednesday, 2/5.
Pancakes with Papa's: Calling all dads please join us on Friday, 2/7 from 7:00-9:00 AM for a special pancake breakfast with your child. This is a fun opportunity to enjoy a pancake breakfast before heading to work for the day.
Valentines Day: Each class will host a small Valentines party on Friday, 2/14. Please see your child's teacher for more details
Presidents Day: CLOSED 2/17
Community Helpers Wanted: From 2/24-2/28 we will be talking about Community Helpers. If you have a job/career (fire fighter, police officer, dentist, teacher, ect..) that you would like to share with the children please email or see Mrs. Sara for details.
Elementary School
Thank you to all of the families that joined us for the VCMS Open House. It was a pleasure to meet you all and we are excited to have your students on our campus next year! If you have any middle school related questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the middle school office at or 562-865-6519.
Valentine's Day - Friday, 2/14, is a free dress day if you wear Red and Pink. If students do not wish to participate, they should be in uniform.
VCHS Students from the Mission Alaska Team will be offering childcare during the VCS Annual Fundraiser and Auction. Pizza will be included. If you would like to join us for the auction, but need childcare, you can sign up for it online when you buy your tickets. The Mission Alaska team will be accepting donations for their services.You can buy tickets by going to
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
6th Grade Students - VCMS class registration forms for the 2025-26 school year will be sent home with your student from his/her 6th grade teacher. Feel free to contact the MS office if you have any questions! 562-865-6519
Service Hours Opportunity: Do you enjoy listening to students perform? Parents are needed as door monitors for the Fine Arts Festival tryouts Tuesday, 2/11, 2:30-5:30 PM at the elementary campus. Please email Miss Peppel at, if you are available to help.
Rocket Science - Valley Christian After School Science Club for grade K - 5th. Eight week classes are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3/13 - 5/8, from 3:00-4:00 PM. Registration and information can be found here
Coding Class: Do you want your child to learn how to code? Come check out the beginner courses for newbie coders and experienced coders. Classes will be held on Thursdays 3:00-4:00 PM, through 2/27 at VCES. Easy, convenient, and your child will learn a valuable skill set. Limited space! Book today! Registration can be found here and a description of the class can be found here.
Chess Wizards - The after-school chess class for students in grades K-6th will be held on Tuesdays on the VCES campus through 3/11, 3:00-4:00 PM. Information and registration can be found here. Information and registration can be found here.
LOST AND FOUND - Lost and Found items will be donated to Affordable Treasures on the last day of each month. Please have your child check for any missing items.
Pop Tabs: We are partnering with The Ronald McDonald House to help families in their time of need by collecting Pop Tabs. Students may bring in their pop tabs at any time.
Middle School
Cold/Flu season is here, and we are in the thick of it! If your child is not feeling well, we kindly ask that you please keep them home. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours and without significant symptoms before returning to school. Thank you so much for helping to keep our campus healthy!
The Azusa Pacific Honor Band Concert will be held on Saturday, February 8, at 7:00 PM in the Munson Chapel. Our middle school will be represented by Teyla Chapman, Rocco Chung, Jeff Hatanaka, and Christian Shiraki! Way to go, musicians!
CONGRATULATIONS to 8th grader Christine Yang, clarinet player, who was accepted in the SCSBOA Middle School Honor Band. The group will be performing on Feb. 9 at 9:45 AM in the Hyatt Regency Hotel Orange County in Garden Grove!
8th-Grade Parents! Please mark your calendars for Monday, 3/10, 7:00 PM! The VCHS Class Registration Night will be taking place in the high school gymnasium. Each student and at least one parent should plan to attend. You will receive all information about Class Registration, Athletics (especially summer practices!), extra-curriculars, etc. This also includes a chance to meet staff members, counselors, coaches, and ask questions! This is a "do-not-miss" event!!
VCMS Service Hours Opportunity - we are looking for 5-10 parents to come in and cover library books for us on Tuesday, 2/18 from 8:30 - 10:30 AM. Email the middle school office to sign up at Thank you in advance for your help.
Disneyland CA Adventure forms were sent home on Tuesday, 1/28. Completed forms and payment are due by Monday, 2/24. Late forms/payments cannot be accepted as Disneyland has a firm deadline for group ticket purchases.
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 2/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
Our next VCMS Preview Event will be Thursday, 2/13 at 9:00 AM. This will be a great time for your friends and family to learn more about what VCMS has to offer and to take a tour of our campus. Spread the word!
Shaved Ice Fundraiser - SHAVE THE DAY! The Grad Night committee will be holding a shaved ice fundraiser the 2nd week of February during lunchtime at both the high school and middle school. High school date is Wednesday, February 12th and middle school February 14th. Tickets are only $5. Pre-sales will be available the week of February 3rd.
The VCS Annual Auction and Fundraiser is being held on Friday, 2/21. We are asking families to donate items for the auction. Please consider participating to help make our fundraiser a great success. Donations can be monetary or a specific item. All items must be new and unused. Here are a few ways to contribute:
- Click here to choose items from our VC Auction Wish List
- Send a monetary donation in to the VCMS Office
- Create a thematic gift basket of your own
Our winter sports season has begun! If you would like to come support our girls volleyball and boys basketball teams, click here for the game schedule. Please note, games are subject to change for various reasons, so make sure to check the calendar regularly.
High School
Mark your calendars! There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Shaved Ice Fundraiser - SHAVE THE DAY! The Grad Night committee will be holding a shaved ice fundraiser the 2nd week of February during lunchtime at both the high school and middle school. High school date is Wednesday, February 12th and middle school February 14th. Tickets are only $5. Pre-sales will be available the week of February 3rd.
The Azusa Pacific Honor Band Concert will be held on Saturday, February 8 at 7:00 PM in the Munson Chapel. Our high school will be represented by Henry Blechner, Kaitlin De Bruijn, Caleb Haendiges, Chloe Kooi, Grace Najarian, Grace Ollmann, Celia Polk, Andrew Price, Christie Chung, Rebecca Turnbow, and Arianna Walston! Congratulations!!
Contacting the High School Attendance Desk - Parents, use our new email for attendance: Please give the Attendance office at least a one-hour notice before picking up your student. The advantage of calling ahead or emailing is that your student can be ready and waiting when you pick them up, and the school can minimize the amount of class interruptions for students and teachers during the school day. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Counselors News: On Campus College Visit:
- Tuesday, 2/4 Calvin University 11:50 AM
- Thurday, 2/6 Providence Christian College 11:15 AM
- Monday, 2/10 Biola University 11:50 AM
- Thursday. 2/13 Dordt University 11:15 AM
Juniors! If you are interested in taking a digital SAT at VCHS on April 23rd, please fill out the following form! Register here
Friends of VCS
Requested Announcements
January 27, 2025: Issue 21
2024-25 Theme Verse: "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17b-19
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
Our new uniform web-site is ready to use! Visit https://www.
See's Candy Valentines/Grad Night Fundraiser - Help support our seniors' Grad Night by purchasing some gifts for your loved ones from See's Candy. Simply click on the link, chose your candy, check out and it will arrive on your doorstep! Couldn't be easier. The last day to order is 1/31. Thank you in advance for supporting the class of 2025!! Any questions, please contact Anna Rounds at or (562) 243-6967. See's Candies Yum-Raising - Valley Christian High School- Senior Grad Night - Valley Christian HS Senior Grad Night
You are invited to the VCS Annual Fundraiser and Auction 2/21. This event will take place in the high school gym. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE. Please contact Brian Petteys
Broadway Showcase: All Broadway Showcase cast members should now be enrolled in the "Broadway Showcase 2025" Canvas course. Refer to canvas to stay up to date on the latest information about rehearsals, costumes, sweatshirt orders, volunteer opportunities, show dates and more. If you or your students are not enrolled or able to view the Broadway Showcase Canvas page, please contact Mr. Davis at
LAST CHANCE TO ORDER BROADWAY SHOWCASE SWEATSHIRTS AND POLOS - Order forms for our Broadway Showcase sweatshirts and polos can be found HERE. Printed forms are also available at each campus office. Orders are due today, Monday, January 27!
- Preschool Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher
- To see the full job descriptions and apply, please visit https://www.vcschools.
org/employment - If interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Tracie Jones,
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Will take place this week. This is a time for Pre-K parents (Mrs. Ericka and Ms. Jamie's class) and parents of children in Ms. Tricia's class who will attend TK next year (Birthday between September and December) to meet with teachers and discuss their child's growth and development.
Pajama Day: On Tuesday, 2/4 children are invited to wear their favorite Pj's to school! (No slippers please)
TK and Kinder Field Trip to Valley Christian Elementary School: On Thursday, 2/6 Ms. Ericka, Mrs. Jamie, and Mrs. Tricia's (eligible to attend TK) children will take a field trip to the Elementary Campus. This is a fun opportunity to see the campus, meet the teachers, and play with some new and old friends. If this is not your child's normal day of attendance, please plan for them to attend from 9:00-11:30 AM. Permission slips were in their file folder last week and need to be turned in no later than Wednesday, 2/5.
Pancakes with Papa's: Calling all dads please join us on Friday, 2/7 from 7:00-9:00 AM for a special pancake breakfast with your child. This is a fun opportunity to enjoy a pancake breakfast before heading to work for the day.
Colder Weather Reminder: Please remember to label your child's jacket with their name.
Elementary School
6th Grade Families - Please join us for the Middle School Open House on Saturday, February 1st from 12:00-1:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for you to tour our campus, meet our staff, and hear all about what VCMS has to offer. This is also a great opportunity for you to invite your family/friends who might be interested in attending VCMS. Lunch from TK Burger will be provided, we will be raffling off some VCS merch and a chance to win $500 off of your 2025-26 tuition, and if you bring a friend who is not currently a current VC student you will receive an Amazon gift card! Please RSVP by clicking HERE. We can't wait to meet you!
Do you know anyone who may want to join Valley Christian Elementary for the 2025/26 school year? We love welcoming new families into our Valley Christian Community. We will have an Open House for prospective families on Saturday, February 1, from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM. Invite anyone who might be interested in learning more about Valley Christian Schools.
January 29 - 6th grade students will take a field trip to the middle school campus to experience a middle school chapel and enjoy lunch on the middle school campus. VCMS class registration forms for the 2025-26 school year will be sent home with your student from his/her 6th grade teacher. Feel free to contact the MS office if you have any questions! 562-865-6519
ACSI Spelling Bee will be held on January 31.
Spirit Day - Pajama Day, Friday, January 31. Come dressed in your favorite jammies! Spirit Day is optional. If you choose not to participate, please be in uniform. Here is the flyer.
VCHS Students from the Mission Alaska Team will be offering childcare during the VCS Annual Fundraiser and Auction. Pizza will be included. If you would like to join us for the auction, but need childcare, you can sign up for it online when you buy your tickets. The Mission Alaska team will be accepting donations for their services.You can buy tickets by going to
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
Service Hours Opportunity: Do you enjoy listening to students perform? Parents are needed as door monitors for the Fine Arts Festival tryouts Tuesday, 2/11, from 2:30-5:30 PM at the elementary campus. Please email Miss Peppel at, if you are available to help.
Coding Class: Do you want your child to learn how to code? Come check out the beginner courses for newbie coders and experienced coders. Classes will be held on Thursdays 3:00-4:00 PM, beginning 1/16 through 2/27 at VCES. Easy, convenient, and your child will learn a valuable skill set. Limited space! Book today! Registration can be found here and a description of the class can be found here.
Chess Wizards - The after-school chess class for students in grades K-6th will be held on Tuesdays on the VCES campus beginning on 1/21 through 3/11, 3:00-4:00 PM. Information and registration can be found here. Information and registration can be found here.
Pop Tabs: We are partnering with The Ronald McDonald House to help families in their time of need by collecting Pop Tabs. Students may bring in their pop tabs at any time.
Middle School
Do you know anyone who may want to join Valley Christian Middle School for the 2025/26 school year? We love welcoming new families into our Valley Christian Community. We will have an Open House for prospective VCMS families this Saturday, February 1st from 12:00 - 1:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for those interested to tour our campus, meet our teachers and staff, and learn more about what VCMS has to offer. Lunch from TK Burger will be provided, and we will be raffling off some great VCS merch as well as a chance to win $500 off of the 2025/26 tuition! If you have any friends or family who will be coming, please have them RSVP by clicking HERE. We can't wait to meet you!
Shaved Ice Fundraiser - SHAVE THE DAY! The Grad Night committee will be holding a shaved ice fundraiser the 2nd week of February during lunchtime at both the high school and middle school. High school date is Wednesday, February 12th and Middle school February 14th. Tickets are only $5. Pre-sales will be available the week of February 3rd.
The VCS Annual Auction and Fundraiser is being held on Friday, 2/21. We are asking families to donate items for the auction. Please consider participating to help make our fundraiser a great success. Donations can be monetary or a specific item. All items must be new and unused. Here are a few ways to contribute:
- Click here to choose items from our VC Auction Wish List
- Send a monetary donation in to the VCMS Office
- Create a thematic gift basket of your own
8th Grade Parents! Please mark your calendars for Monday, 3/10, 7:00 PM! The VCHS Class Registration Night will be taking place in the high school Gymnasium. Each student and at least one parent should plan to attend. You will receive all information about Class Registration, Athletics (especially summer practices!), extra-curriculars, etc. This also includes a chance to meet staff members, counselors, coaches, and ask questions! This is a "do-not-miss" event!!
Our winter sports season has begun! If you would like to come support our girls volleyball and boys basketball teams, click here for the game schedule. Please note, games are subject to change for various reasons, so make sure to check the calendar regularly.
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 2/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
High School
Mark your calendars! There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
SADIE HAWKINS DANCE! Saddle up, and get ready to ride at this year's Sadie Hawkins dance on Saturday, February 1 from 8:00-11:00 PM in the Legacy Chapel. The theme is WILD WILD WEST! Late tickets are available through Wednesday, January 29. To buy a ticket, students must come to Mrs. Payton's office (in the SSB by the counselor offices). Late tickets are $35 each. Guest tickets are no longer being sold. VCHS Student tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Student can ride the mechanical bull, eat a churro, lasso a bull, throw some horseshoes, and dance the night away with their friends. Bull forms can be turned in at the dance check-in.
We are looking for help with the Sadie Hawkins Dance this Saturday, 2/1 at the High School. This is a great way to get some of your parent service hours taken care of! The time frame is 7:30-11:30 PM (or until everything is cleaned up). If you are interested, please email Amy Payton at
Shaved Ice Fundraiser - SHAVE THE DAY! The Grad Night committee will be holding a shaved ice fundraiser the 2nd week of February during lunchtime at both the high school and middle school. High school date is Wednesday, February 12th and Middle school February 14th. Tickets are only $5. Pre-sales will be available the week of February 3rd.
See's Candy Valentines/Grad Night Fundraiser - Help support our seniors' Grad Night by purchasing some gifts for your loved ones from See's Candy. Simply click on the link, chose your candy, check out and it will arrive on your doorstep! Couldn't be easier. The last day to order is 1/31. Thank you in advance for supporting the class of 2025!! Any questions, please contact Anna Rounds at or (562) 243-6967. See's Candies Yum-Raising - Valley Christian High School- Senior Grad Night - Valley Christian HS Senior Grad Night
Counselors News:
On Campus College Visit: Thur 2/6 Providence Christian College
Juniors! If you are interested in taking a digital SAT at VCHS on April 23rd, please fill out the following form! Register here
Friends of VCS
Requested Announcements
January 21, 2025: Issue 20
2024-25 Theme Verse: "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17b-19
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
Our new uniform web-site is ready to use! Visit https://www.
Broadway Showcase: All Broadway Showcase cast members should now be enrolled in the "Broadway Showcase 2025" Canvas course. Refer to canvas to stay up to date on the latest information about rehearsals, costumes, sweatshirt orders, volunteer opportunities, show dates and more. If you or your students are not enrolled or able to view the Broadway Showcase Canvas page, please contact Mr. Davis at
- Preschool Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher
- To see the full job descriptions and apply, please visit https://www.vcschools.
org/employment - If interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Tracie Jones,
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place the week of January 27-30. This is a time for Pre-K parents (Mrs. Ericka and Ms. Jamie's class) and parents of children in Ms. Tricia's class who will attend TK next year (Birthday between September and December) to meet with teachers and discuss their child's growth and development. Sign-up sheets are located next to your child's sign in/out sheet.
TK and Kinder Field Trip to Valley Christian Elementary School: On Thursday, 02/06 Ms. Ericka, Mrs. Jamie, and Mrs. Tricia's (eligible to attend TK) children will take a field trip to the Elementary Campus. This is a fun opportunity to see the campus, meet the teachers, and play with some new and old friends. If this is not your child's normal day of attendance, please plan for them to attend from 9:00am-11:30am. More information to come.
Colder Weather Reminder: Please remember to label your child's jacket with their name.
100th Day of Preschool: On Friday, 01/24 we will be celebrating the 100th day of preschool with a special snack and fun activities.
Elementary School
6th Grade Families - Please join us for the Middle School Open House on Saturday, February 1st from 12:00-1:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for you to tour our campus, meet our staff, and hear all about what VCMS has to offer. This is also a great opportunity for you to invite your family/friends who might be interested in attending VCMS. Lunch from TK Burger will be provided, we will be raffling off some VCS merch and a chance to win $500 off of your 2025-26 tuition, and if you bring a friend who is not currently a current VC student you will receive an Amazon gift card! Please RSVP by clicking HERE. We can't wait to meet you!
Do you know anyone who may want to join Valley Christian Elementary for the 2025/26 school year? We love welcoming new families into our Valley Christian Community. We will have an Open House for prospective families on Saturday, February 1, from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM. Invite anyone who might be interested in learning more about Valley Christian Schools.
January 29 - 6th grade students will take a field trip to the middle school campus to experience a middle school chapel and enjoy lunch on the middle school campus.
Spirit Day - Pajama Day, Friday, January 31. Come dressed in your favorite jammies! Spirit Day is optional. If you choose not to participate, please be in uniform. Here is the flyer.
MAPS Testing for students in grades K-6th will take place 1/13 - 1/24. Testing will be at various times throughout the day depending on the classroom schedule. Please make sure your student gets a good night's rest, eats breakfast, and arrives at school on time.
VCHS Students from the Mission Alaska Team will be offering childcare during the VCS Annual Fundraiser and Auction. Pizza will be included. If you would like to join us for the auction, but need childcare, you can sign up for it online when you buy your tickets. The Mission Alaska team will be accepting donations for their services.You can buy tickets by going to
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
Service Hours Opportunity: Do you enjoy listening to students perform? Parents are needed as door monitors for the Fine Arts Festival tryouts Tuesday, 2/11, from 2:30-5:30 PM at the elementary campus. Please email Miss Peppel at, if you are available to help.
Coding Class: Do you want your child to learn how to code? Come check out the beginner courses for newbie coders and experienced coders. Classes will be held on Thursdays 3:00-4:00 PM, beginning 1/16 through 2/27 at VCES. Easy, convenient, and your child will learn a valuable skill set. Limited space! Book today! Registration can be found here and a description of the class can be found here.
Chess Wizards - The after-school chess class for students in grades K-6th will be held on Tuesdays on the VCES campus beginning on 1/21 through 3/11, 3:00-4:00 PM. Information and registration can be found here. Information and registration can be found here.
Pop Tabs: We are partnering with The Ronald McDonald House to help families in their time of need by collecting Pop Tabs. Students may bring in their pop tabs at any time.
Lost and Found - Please have your child check the Lost and Found for any items they may be missing. Any leftover items will be donated on January 24th to Affordable Treasures.
Middle School
Our winter sports season has begun! If you would like to come support our girls volleyball and boys basketball teams, click here for the game schedule. Please note, games are subject to change for various reasons, so make sure to check the calendar regularly.
Do you know anyone who may want to join Valley Christian Middle School for the 2025/26 school year? We love welcoming new families into our Valley Christian Community. We will have an Open House for prospective VCMS families Saturday, February 1st from 12:00 - 1:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for those interested to tour our campus, meet our teachers and staff, and learn more about what VCMS has to offer. Lunch from TK Burger will be provided, and we will be raffling off some great VCS merch as well as a chance to win $500 off of the 2025/26 tuition! If you have any friends or family who will be coming, please have them RSVP by clicking HERE. We can't wait to meet you!
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27/2025, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
Broadway Showcase - VCMS rehearsals are every Monday from 4:00-6:00 PM at the VCHS Legacy Chapel.
High School
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
Senior Yearbook Ad Reminder - The final deadline for submitting senior yearbook recognition ads is today, Tuesday, 1/21. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For more information or to submit, please visit If you have any questions, please email Danica Newon at Thank you!
Counselors News:
If you are interested in taking the digital SAT in the spring of 2025, registration is now open and will fill up quickly! Please visit the following link to register -- https://satsuite.
Friends of VCS
Requested Announcements
January 13, 2025: Issue 19
2024-25 Theme Verse: "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17b-19
Thanks to all of you who have given to the VCS Annual Fund. We greatly appreciate your generosity and love for VCS. During the Fall Annual Fund drive you helped us raise over $350,000.
Please invite your friends and family to our Preview Days this month. This is a great way to find out all that Valley Christian has to offer your family.
- Elementary Campus - Wednesday, January 15th at 9:00 AM
- High School Campus - Thursday, January 16th at 10:00 AM
Thursday, January 16th at 7:30 PM in the VCHS Music Room (C32)
HIGH SCHOOL AUDITIONS: Broadway Showcase Auditions for a HS "Dance Specialty" will take place Wednesday, January 15 at 7:00pm in the VCHS Legacy Chapel. Girls only.
BROADWAY SHOWCASE PARENTS. If you are interested in joining the Broadway Showcase Hospitality Team and providing a meal for the Broadway Showcase staff during rehearsals, please click THIS LINK to sign up!
VCS Employment Opportunities:
- Preschool Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher
- To see the full job descriptions and apply, please visit https://www.vcschools.
org/employment - If interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Tracie Jones,
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place the week of January 27-30. This is a time for Pre-K parents (Mrs. Ericka and Ms. Jamie's class) and parents of children in Ms. Tricia's class who will attend TK next year (Birthday between September and December) to meet with teachers and discuss their child's growth and development. Sign-up sheets will be available on Wednesday, January 15th.
Colder Weather Reminder: Please remember to label your child's jacket with their name.
Reminder: We will be closed on Monday, 01/20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Elementary School
6th Grade Families - Please join us for the Middle School Open House on Saturday, February 1st 12-1:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for you to tour our campus, meet our staff and hear all about what VCMS has to offer. This is also a great opportunity for you to invite your friends/family who might be interested in attending VCMS. Lunch from TK Burger will be provided. We can't wait to meet you!
January 29 - 6th grade students will take a field trip to the middle school campus to experience a middle school chapel and enjoy lunch on the middle school campus.
MAPS Testing for students in grades K-6th will take place 1/13 - 1/24. Testing will be at various times throughout the day depending on the classroom schedule. Please make sure your student gets a good night's rest, eats breakfast, and arrives at school on time.
KINDERGARTEN/TRANSITIONAL KINDERGARTEN AUDITIONS: Broadway Showcase Auditions will take place on Tuesday, January 14 from 3:15-4:00 PM in the VCHS Legacy Chapel. Please read and complete the audition form and bring it with you to the audition.
4th Grade Students will be going to the Adobe Brick Museum this Friday, January 17.
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
Service Hours Opportunity: Do you enjoy listening to students perform? Parents are needed as door monitors for the Fine Arts Festival tryouts Tuesday, 2/11, from 2:30-5:30 PM at the elementary campus. Please email Miss Peppel at, if you are available to help.
Coding Class: Do you want your child to learn how to code? Come check out the beginner courses for newbie coders and experienced coders. Classes will be held on Thursdays 3:00-4:00 PM, beginning 1/16 through 2/27 at VCES. Easy, convenient, and your child will learn a valuable skill set. Limited space! Book today! Registration can be found here and a description of the class can be found here.
Chess Wizards - The after-school chess class for students in grades K-6th will be held on Tuesdays on the VCES campus beginning on 1/21 through 3/11, 3:00-4:00 PM. Information and registration can be found here. Information and registration can be found here.
Spirit Day - Pajama Day, Friday, January 31. Come dressed in your favorite jammies! Spirit Day is optional. If you choose not to participate, please be in uniform. Here is the flyer.
Pop Tabs: We are partnering with The Ronald McDonald House to help families in their time of need by collecting Pop Tabs. Students may bring in their pop tabs at any time.
Lost and Found - Please have your child check the Lost and Found for any items they may be missing. Any leftover items will be donated on the last day of the month to Affordable Treasures.
Middle School
Parents/Guardians, your students' 2nd quarter grades were finalized on Dec 21, 2024. You should have received an email before Christmas with the report attached. You can also access the grade report using your parent account in PowerSchool. Once you are signed in, go to "Student Reports" on the left. Please contact the middle school office if you have any questions.
Our winter sports season has begun! If you would like to come support our girls volleyball and boys basketball teams, click here for the game schedule. Please note, games are subject to change for various reasons, so make sure to check the calendar regularly.
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
Broadway Showcase - VCMS rehearsals are every Monday from 4:00-6:00 PM at the VCHS Legacy Chapel.
What’s coming up?
- January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No School)
- February 1 - VCMS Admissions Open House from 12 PM - 1:30 PM
High School
There will be no school on Monday, 1/20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Grad Nite Planning Committee meeting Tuesday, January 14th, 7:00 PM in the Verhoeven Career Center. For anyone interested in helping support and plan Grad Nite 2025, feel free to join! Questions? Contact Becky Whitener - 714-928-4074 or
Second Semester Schedules: Need to adjust your schedule? Use the main PowerSchool webpage to see which electives are closed and which are available. Contact Mrs. Gardner or your counselor if you want to make any changes to your schedule. The deadline to add new classes is Tuesday, 1/14.
HIGH SCHOOL AUDITIONS: Broadway Showcase Auditions for a HS "Dance Specialty" will take place Wednesday, January 15 at 7:00 PM in the VCHS Legacy Chapel. Girls only.
Report Cards - were mailed home via USPS Mail last week and an email was sent home with more information about the report card and transcript. If you did not receive the paper mailing or the email, please contact
Senior Parents - The next senior off campus lunch is this Friday, 1/17. Please remind your students to drive carefully, plan ahead for where they will eat, and order ahead if possible. Students who return late will forfeit the privilege of leaving campus for the next senior off campus lunch.
Senior Yearbook Ad Reminder - The final deadline for submitting senior yearbook recognition ads is Tuesday, 1/21. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For more information or to submit, please visit If you have any questions, please email Danica Newon at Thank you!
Students leaving school early - Parents, PLEASE try to give the attendance office at least an hour notice, if not more, before picking up your student. The advantage of calling ahead or emailing is that your student can be ready and waiting when you pick them up, and the school can minimize the amount of class interruptions for students and teachers that go on during the school day. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Counselors News:
If you are interested in taking the digital SAT in the spring of 2025, registration is now open and will fill up quickly! Please visit the following link to register -- https://satsuite.
Friends of VCS
Requested Announcements
January 6, 2025: Issue 18
2024-25 Theme Verse: "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17b-19
- Elementary Campus - Wednesday, January 15th at 9:00 AM
- High School Campus - Thursday, January 16th at 10:00 AM
Broadway Showcase Mandatory Parent Meeting: Parents of all students who are a part of Broadway Showcase MUST attend the Parent Organizational Meeting. Your attendance at this meeting is REQUIRED in order for your child to be able to participate. You can either attend the meeting in person or join virtually via a link we will provide. The meeting date & time is:
Thursday, January 16th at 7:30 PM in the VCHS Music Room (C32)
- VCES Moms in Prayer meets Mondays 8:30-9:30 AM in the conference room off the elementary school office.
- VCMS Moms in Prayer meets Mondays 8:30-9:30 AM in Room 3
- VCHS Moms in Prayer meets Mondays 8:30-9:30 AM in the VCHS Van Dyk Conference Room
Save the Date for the VCS Annual Fundraiser and Auction 2/21/2025. We will be holding the event in the high school gym. Please contact Brian Petteys if you are willing to donate time in a vacation home, season tickets, box seats, or access to a unique experience. All donations are tax deductible.
VCS Employment Opportunities:
- Preschool Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher
- To see the full job descriptions and apply, please visit https://www.vcschools.
org/employment - If interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Tracie Jones,
The VCPS Staff would like to thank you for all the Christmas gifts, cards, and love you bestowed upon them over the Christmas holiday!
Reminder: We will be closed on Monday, 1/20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Elementary School
Mrs. Van Kampen, teachers, and staff would like to thank the students and their families for the many generous gifts and thoughtful cards that were received this Christmas. We truly felt blessed! We wish you all a Blessed 2025!
Pop Tabs: We are partnering with The Ronald McDonald House to help families in their time of need by collecting Pop Tabs. Students may bring in their pop tabs at any time.
Broadway Showcase Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Auditions will take place on Tuesday, January 14, 2024, 3:15-4:00 PM in the VCHS Legacy Chapel. Please read and complete the audition form and bring it with you to the audition.
Lost and Found - Please have your child check the Lost and Found for any items they may be missing. Any leftover items will be donated on the last day of the month to Affordable Treasures.
Middle School
VCMS staff thanks the students and their families for the many generous gifts and cards that were received this Christmas. We truly felt blessed!
Our winter sports season is starting! If you’d like to come support our girls volleyball and boys basketball teams, click here for the game schedule. Please note, games are subject to change for various reasons, so make sure to check the calendar regularly.
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival. Students may participate by playing their band/orchestra instrument, singing, or playing a piano solo. All participants will perform at VCES on 2/11. The best performances will represent VCS at the Interscholastic Fine Arts Festival, on 02/27/2025, in Chino. Students and parents can find out more from their music teacher.
What’s coming up?
- January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No School)
- February 1 - VCMS Admissions Open House from 12 PM - 1:30 PM
High School
Happy New Year and THANK YOU from the VCHS staff for the thoughtful cards and gifts from parents and students received during the Christmas season. We appreciate your support, encouragement, and generosity!
Welcome to two new staff members for 2nd semester!
- Jeff Ludington will be teaching Christian Theology 2
- Jessica Garcia, Counselor for students with the last names A-K.
There will be no school on Monday, 1/20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Second Semester Schedules: Need to adjust your schedule? Use the main PowerSchool webpage to see which electives are closed and which are available. Contact Mrs. Gardner or your counselor if you want to make any changes to your schedule. The deadline to add new classes is Tuesday, 1/14.
The Sophomore Retreat will be held on Friday, 1/10! There will be no sophomore classes at school this day. However, parents should still contact the Attendance Desk if a student is going to be absent. Please see the email sent out Nov. 12 for more details. REMINDER: On this day, Parents will need to pick up their students at the churches at 6:30 PM. The girls will be at Arbor Road Church in Lakewood and the boys will be at Generations Church in Cerritos. If you have any questions, please email
Report Cards - will be mailed home via USPS Mail this week and an email will be sent home with more information about the report card and transcript.
HIGH SCHOOL OPENER AND CLOSER: High School students who signed up to participate in Opener and Closer must plan to attend the first rehearsal today, Monday, January 6th from 6:00-9:00 PM in the VCHS Legacy Chapel. If you do not attend the first rehearsal, we will assume you are no longer planning to participate, unless you contact us in advance.
HIGH SCHOOL AUDITIONS: “DONNA SUMMER BACKUP DANCER” - Auditions to become one of the “backup dancers” for the Donna Summer number will take place on Wednesday, January 8th in the VCHS Legacy Chapel at 7:00 PM. Come prepared to dance and learn choreography.
HIGH SCHOOL AUDITIONS: MEN’S SPECIALTY: “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat” - Any additional men who are interested in joining the men’s specialty number, please come to the first rehearsal on Wednesday, January 8th at 5:00 PM
Counselors News:
If you are interested in taking the digital SAT in the spring of 2025, registration is now open and will fill up quickly! Please visit the following link to register -- https://satsuite.
Friends of VCS
Requested Announcements